Monday, April 20, 2015

Flat Stanley in Prague

Greetings from Chelsea, Daniel, and Flat Stanley in Prague!  

Flat Stanley came to my city, Prague. Prague is the capital city of the Czech Republic, which is in the middle of Europe and about 4,500 miles from Columbus! While Flat Stanley was here, he took a tour of Old Town Prague, which is full of very old and very beautiful buildings. 

 Flat Stanley went to Old Town Square.

Flat Stanley also saw the Prague Castle, which is the largest ancient castle complex in the world! This is where the president of the Czech Republic lives.

Flat Stanley rode the tram to Old Town. A tram is like a small train that goes on the city streets!
                                      The Charles Bridge crosses the Vltava River. 

While at Old Town Square, Flat Stanley saw the Astronomical Clock. 

Flat Stanley’s first stop was the Charles Bridge. The bridge is made from stone and was built in 1357! 

1 comment:

  1. I've also brought my pupils to Prague. The city is amazing, isn't it? Children were so happy! They wanted to stay there forever) I sent the message for to write the story about our class and Prague and submit it into the newspaper. Imagine how they will be astonished!!!
